Most people were up relatively early to pack and, having had breakfast, myself, Katharine, Martin and Sally were at the immigration office for 0800 when they opened. Once signed off, which didn’t take long, we were back at the boat and Mark and Natalia joined us as extra crew for the day, they had been racing on one of the other Bowmans, and living on the other.
The wind was from the North East today and a little stronger meaning a bit of a cross wind on the berth. Good byes to the leaving crew were had and we departed without, quite, any mishaps, (a line going to our anchor got caught on our side rail at a snatch block but came free in time for us to not become too embarassed).
It was a reverse of the course from race 2  for race 3 and we had another fairly good start at the windward end of the line on a reach to the first mark. Longbow was just astern of us at the first mark and on the next leg, another reach she had just got ahead of us. Saida, Legacy and Aurora were well ahead. After the second mark it was an upwind leg and we got past Longbow again staying just ahead of her until the final mark, another upwind one where I miscalled the tack and didn’t quite make the mark at which point she got past us with not enough time on the final downwind leg for us to get past her again so we ended up in 4th position for the day with Pancakes, (Bowman 45) and Aurora (retired) behind us, Longbow has a 7 strong crew who have raced together quite a bit at home so there is a bit of a competition on today for line honours.
With the strong breeze (up to 21 kts) we were back in just after 1300 and the remainder of crew d had yet to leave so, once secured back on the berth we had time for more good byes and they kindly had brought the washed laundry back to the boat.
We had a cup of tea with our race crew, well they had coffee actually, under the shade and then we had showers and  went across the dock to the Capstans for sundowners. It was open microphone night and I put my name down for a turn. There was a good band on who seemed able to accompany almost anyone in almost anything, there was some good and not so good singing, mouth organ and guitar playing.  We had a few drinks and  then a hamburger. My name didn’t seem to be being called so I went and had a word with the band and secured my slot about 3/4 of the way through the evening. I sang the ‘Holy Ground’ unaccompanied which seemed to go down quite well earning me lots of congratulations afterwards and Mike off Longbow seemed to take this as a bit of a challenge and took a turn to sing a few verses of American Pie. We ended up talking to guests and crew from a couple of the tall ships that are in before heading for a late bed time of after 2210 or so.
Thanks to all crew D for all their good cheer, hopefully they are home by now or well on the way.
Slainte Jock and Patrick.
Taylor Swifts Holy Ground??? You always surprise me, Jock!