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Nearly There!

A stress free day it turned out to be!

The Border force confirmed that unless they contacted me otherwise, the form we’d filled in in the Azores, thanks Hunter, was all that was needed. They have not contacted me.

I spoke to the company and as they were nervous that I wouldn’t be back today have a replacement skipper for a week. Hooray!!  It’ll be Anne who was with me a few months ago and hopefully she’ll enjoy it, her Husband has been covering for me in Feb and April but has a prior engagement this week.

We mostly motored, motor sailed a little but pleasingly had mainly favourable tidal currents so made good time yesterday. Some dolphins and seals were around.  I slept as the others watch kept across the North Channel and got up this morning off Sanda with a fair wind for heading NOrth so I turned a little earlier than planned and turned the engine off. The wind has been up and down, indeed it has been around and around too. I’ve had two reefs in main and genoa and making 7.5 knots and back to full sail, beating up the Kilbrannan Sound, (it’s nearly always a beat) but we seem to have surprisingly large amounts of fuel left so are motoring whenever the wind is annoying. It’s now quite light so we are just motoring towards Lochranza and expecting to be home at about 1200. As we had internet yesterday we mostly went into teenager mode. A bet I had with Patrick about the fertility rate in the UK that we’d been waiting for Mr Google to sort out for us pleasingly had me as the winner. I’m normally right!

Anyway time to get on so I’ll pop this off, maybe see some of you in the next day or two.


Jock, Patrick, Hunter and Yemaya.

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4 תגובות

22 במאי

Welcome home Jock. Rob and I and family ( your Ashcliffe neighbours ) have been following your adventures through your great blogs. Thank you - Sorry you have just missed a run of beautiful spring into summer weather🌞 when Tighnabruaich is the best place in the world to be. We all look forward to next sunny days. Glad you are home safe and sound. ❤️


22 במאי

Really enjoyable following your adventures Jock - well done and welcome home!


22 במאי

Dear Jock, I will miss your entertaining comments on your fabulous trip. Thanks


22 במאי

Fabulous journey Jock, great to read the blogs, making us landlubbers feel sort of along with you for the ride. You must be very pleased to have created such a fabulous life memory.

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