Well we seem to be into the more normal trades now, more wind but on the nose with a bit of a sea and swell running too, it's far less comfortable going this way than it was going the other way but, that is no surprise.  I was quite lethargic yesterday and spent much of the day reading or snoozing, i wasnt feeling sea sick, i dont  think but wasnt feeling myself, i feel a bit the same today. I  had a wash and shave this morning and that certainly makes one feel fresher. Breakfast was the remains of a papaya that has been languishing in the fridge for a few days having been opened with crew 3, it has lasted surprisingly well but needed eating so it is all now finished.
We ended up closer toJamaica last night than we might have after i had set my alarm to start  the engine and it needed another ten minutes so i re set the alarm, a kitchen timer, for 10minutes and then slept through it waking up 2 and a half hours later with low batteries andJamaica only about 7 miles ahead. The wind had shifted a bit too so we tacked and headed off to theNe again. The wind is now in the ne and we’re on the port tack heading just south of east doing about 5 knots in a jerky uncomfortable manner. Â
I have got into the way of having a snack with my sundowner which is pleasant, i have no crisps or peanuts for saturdays but do have crispbread and butter and cheese and some chorizo which all work well together and the saturday rule seems to have evaporated.
We did 118 miles to noon yesterday with 64o ish. To go still. That is assuming i go to ponce  in puerto rico, which i am  pretty sure i will do.
Slainte jock and yemaya
We are all sneezing and coughing in grey rain and chilly winds. It is supposed to change to sunny spring