Well yesterday wasn’t as bad as it might have been, the sea was down, we were mostly going along at 5-6 knots although often stopped when hitting a big lump of a wave, we even sat out in the cockpit for a few hours in the afternoon in the sun before it got too  cold.
Last night was better too, more comfortable but the wi d has gone around to the North and is due to be NE soon, right on the nose which will slow us down too. I think its now likely that we wont be in before the 22nd.
The ipad is playing up a bit with the virtual keyboard frequently mcollapsing and putting an un ordered  m on the page which is annoying.
We have 561 miles left to run but it looks like they may be hard miles.
Good Luck to Graham and all on Ptarmigan as they compete in the SIPR hopefully they will have reasonable winds (thanks Jock! Ed)
Jock and allmm. M